Sanabul is a leading gi manufacturer, and while it has a range of gis for sale, the range breaks down largely as the Essentials V.2 Ultra Light Jiu Jitsu Gi…and all the rest.

That’s not to say ‘all the rest’ are insignificant. It’s just like saying the Coca Cola Company makes Coke…and the rest.
The V.2 Ultra Light is the brand’s universal calling card, and while the company maintains a standard across its range of gis, it’s the V.2 Ultra Light that’s by far the best known.
The reasons for the recognition supremacy of the V.2 Ultra Light are simple and threefold. It does everything a beginner needs a gi to do.
It has a range of options to allow its use by any number of potential BJJ users. And it delivers a solidly approachable and reliable product at a price-point that lets people access BJJ without breaking the bank.
What do you get with the V.2 Ultra Light? You get a pre-shrunk gi, which also shrinks a little more on its first wash. You get an ultra-light single weave fabric, for breathability.
You get a gi that’s great for beginners to treat as roughly as beginners can and should when they’re first getting into their chosen martial art, particularly Brazilian jiu jitsu.
And you get it coated with antimicrobial treatments to keep you odor-free with simple hand washing, no matter how hard you work in it as you learn the fundamentals of your sport.
That’s a heck of a package for the price point at which the V.2 Ultra Light sits. In fact, it’s a one-stop, one-click solution if you need a beginner gi to help you – or any of your family – get into Brazilian jiu jitsu.
The V.2 Ultra Light is available in a range of colors, so it can appeal to a broad market too.
As we mentioned, it’s aimed at giving a whole range of beginners their first, most reliable gi, do there are colors that appeal to kids, moms, dads, grandmas, you name it. The Sanabul V.2 Ultra Light can be the gi for all the family.
It’s especially favored for beginners in Brazilian jiu jitsu because it’s tough, breathable, it lets you move as you need to, is pretty forgiving of your newbie errors, and because of those easy-wash, odor-free coatings. It’s the low-maintenance first boy or girlfriend of the Brazilian jiu jitsu gi world.
Now, as with the low-maintenance first boy or girlfriend, it’s important to remember that you’ll probably move on.
The V.2 is popular with beginners for all the reasons we’ve mentioned, but by the time you’re starting to think about competition work, you should be starting to think about upgrading your gi, too – at least for use in competition.
Bottom line, the better you get, the more you’re going to need a more advanced gi.
We’ll get to that in a moment. But first, a quick word on cut.
Most martial arts are all about the baggy, the saggy, the flowing gi.
Mmmnot so much with Brazilian jiu jitsu. It’s among the more grab-intensive martial arts, so baggy, saggy gis are just a recipe for awkwardness, unnecessary twisting, ripped gis, extra expense, and possibly even injury. That means two things.
First, it means the V.2 Ultra Light is given a tapered cut, to help keep it close to your body for effective training, however much grabbing goes on.
And second, it means that Sanabul makes a women’s Essentials gi, and makes it proudly.
Too many manufacturers design principally for men and call their gis “unisex,” fitting women’s bodies into a product first and foremost designed for men. Not Sanabul.
The Women’s Essentials gi, retailing at exactly the same price point as the V.2 Ultra Light, naturally, has a sports taper that will let women be women, and focus on their jiu jitsu, not on any consequence of an unfortunate grab.
The Women’s Essential is also properly sized for women, rather than having their sizes tacked on to a product range designed mostly for men.
Sanabul wants more women in Brazilian jiu jitsu. It wants them safe, and comfortable, and flexible, and never paying over the market price for their gi, either simply because they’re women or for any other reason.
As with the V.2, the Women’s Essentials gi is a single-weave, light, breathable gi, suitable for summer jiu jitsu, for training, and for at least a beginning in competition.
When you move up into more hardcore competition, you’re going to need a more hardcore gi.
The Core Series Competition Gi is exactly what it claims to be. It’s a gi that’s ready to take you into competition.
That means a lot of the work that went into the V.2 gi is still here, but that intense detail work has been added on top.
When you start out in Brazilian jiu jitsu, you’re looking for a reliable, sturdy, lightweight gi that won’t break the bank.
That’s where the V.2 and the Women’s Essential come into their own. When you step up to competition level, you need some extras on top.
The Core Series gi is still pre-shrunk, so you can wash it on cool or cold and hang it, with no shrinkage drama.
Still need to shrink yours to fit when you get it? Easy – give it a hot wash and machine dry it, you’ll bring it down a size, so you can fit it perfectly.
The Core Series gi undergoes a rigorous testing program, including use by some leading names in the world of Brazilian jiu jitsu like Guilherme Bomba and John Danaher. They test it thoroughly, so it will stand up to anything you can throw at it.
When you’re in a competition, you’ll feel the benefit of a lightweight gi. Transferring directly from the V.2, the Core Series comes in at ultra-lightweight, so you’re not distracted by the weight or weave of your gi, but can concentrate on your jiu jitsu.
Because you’re moving up into competition, there are extra details to help you in combat. There’s cross stitching on the pants of the Core Series gi, matched with a denser weave up top that helps you twice over.
Not only does it double down on the ruggedness of the V.2, meaning it can take grip after grip after grip and still not run the risk of tearing or separation, but it also makes it that little bit harder for your opponent to get a secure grip on you in the first place.
You’re going to notice those details in hardcore competition – and the chances are, so will your opponents.
All of this comes at a minimal extra cost from your V.2 or Women’s Essentials training gi, so it’s still never going to break your bank.
When you need the cream of the crop, the tip of the top, the hardest core lightweight competition gi, that will pass even the most meticulous muster of the IBJJF, it’s time to embrace the Highlights Pro Competition gi.
Everything you know about Sanabul gis has been synthesized into the Highlights Pro gi – lightweight weave, but sturdy, long-term competition-worthy stitching.
An athletic cut leaving minimal space for grip. The combination of cold-wash size-safety and hot-wash shrink-to-fit options.
Tested by professionals in the field of Brazilian jiu jitsu, so you know you can trust it, hour after hour.
The Highlights Pro gi is the ultimate expression of the company’s gi-making principles, but is still available to you for a lot less than some gi-makers on the market.
Remember we said Brazilian jiu jitsu could be a martial art the whole family could enjoy?
Yep – that includes the kids. Of course it does – what better way to channel their youthful energy into productive competition than by turning them on to Brazilian jiu jitsu?
The Future Legend kids gi is a different prospect to any of the other Sanabul gis we’ve looked at though.
Just as with the Women’s Essentials gi, it’s not a case of taking a man’s gi and calling it unisex, with he Future Legends gi, Sanabul has redesigned the outfit to take account of both the bodies of children and the comparatively rough-and-tumble style they’re likely to have compared to the frankly more fragile adults in their lives.
Still made of an ultra-lightweight weave, the Future Legends gi is tailored to comfort, precisely because an uncomfortable child is a child who’s disengaged in their activity.
The stitching has been reinforced, because if there’s a way to tear or rip out stitching, kids, you may be absolutely sure, will find it.
The anti-odor treatment and antimicrobial coatings are strong in the Future Legends gi, because many children seem extra sticky when it comes to microbes.
Kids fall in a ball pit and come up with strep throat. But with the Sanabul coatings, at least they stand a good chance of getting through a session on the kids’ mat without picking up half the microbes in the place.
And then there’s the waistband. While in adult gis, there’s usually an additional belt, with kids, especially in training, traditional gis would need retying approximately every 47 seconds.
True, that’s an estimate, and it might be exaggerated sliiiiightly for comic effect. But only slightly.
By fitting the Future Legend gi with an elasticated waistband, Sanabul gives both the kid and their parents at least a fighting chance of getting through a session without needing regular waistband attention.
That means more productive training for every level of martial artist in the family, and sustained engagement to boot.
The Sanabul range of gis cover every potential need you might have, from beginner to competition level, from child to adult, men, women, and non-binary martial artists.
Brazilian jiu jitsu really can be a martial art the whole family can enjoy. To achieve that though, it needs a range of gis that can give everybody an entry point, and give everyone progression – without costing the earth.
Sanabul’s range offers all those necessary entry points and can take you from childhood training to the highest level of international competition.