Best BJJ Books For Beginners

Although martial arts are very visual sports and often, the best way to learn is just to jump right in and get practicing your moves, some of us prefer to absorb information by reading and looking at photos, allowing you to spend time reflecting as you go.

Likewise, if you’ve not yet started or are trying to decide which strand of martial arts you’d like to practice, reading a book or guide that clearly outlines the principles and key aims of a sport can be another good way to make your mind up.

It’s easy enough to pick up a book on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and hope for the best, but we’re here to make sure you give it your best shot. We’ve provided five of the most highly favored, well-reviewed publications on the scene right here in one list!

To hear more about why you should consider embarking on the journey to learning BJJ, as well as a few tips on picking up the right book for you, just consult our thoroughly researched Buyer’s Guide for a set of handy hints.

If you’re hovering over the Add To Cart button but still have lingering queries or concerns, you might find the answers you seek in our set of Frequently Asked Questions, which comes right at the end. Good luck!

Want To Go From Amateur To Pro, ASAP? Here’s Our Top Pick.


Presented by six-time Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Saurecognizedthis guide is absolutely the peak of BJJ knowledge thanks to his globally recognized technique.

It is an ideal introduction for beginners, delivered directly from the best of the best.

For the first time, he shares publicly his revolutionary grappling system, painstakingly defining and demonstrating over two hundred different techniques.

Ribeiro will carry you from white belt, all the way up to that coveted black.

Not only is it a marker for perfect performance, but you’ll also find he’s illuminated frequent jiu-jitsu mistakes, to which he offers practical, illustrative remedies. Whether you’re just starting, or an old pro, this information is a godsend.

Straying from the typical guidebook, Jiu-Jitsu University promises to deliver a highly detailed training manual, intending to eventually change the way that martial art is taught across the entire world.

Though it’s a little pricier than some of the other books on our list, Ribeiro is also a lawyer, a judge, and head instructor of the world-famous University of Jiu-Jitsu, based in San Diego, so you know he’s worth spending extra on.


  • An expert guide to BJJ
  • Demonstrates techniques and corrects common errors
  • Plenty of photos for guidance, lots of detail
  • Available in paperback or Kindle


  • More of a financial investment, but worth it if your budget can stretch


Penned by the founder of renowned group The Jiu-Jitsu Brotherhood, black belt artist Nicolas Gregoriades, this book offers a complete guide to BJJ. Working from start to finish, he comprehensively outlines this gentle yet competitive sport.

To learn how to train smartly, physically and mentally, you’ll cover a long term look at training. Unlike competing books, which might aim to work you until your body gives out, Gregoriades focuses on using skills you already have in order to build up others.

Not only is his coverage detailed, but it’s also holistic; covering a wide range of concepts, methods and techniques, you’ll finish reading this work with newfound knowledge and confidence in your art.

Recognized as the first BJJ sportsman to be honored with the accolade of Roger Gracie’s black belt, rest assured you’re in safe hands. Black Belt Blueprint has been created using a wealth of knowledge accumulated over a lengthy career.

Available in Kindle and paperback editions, you could save a few dollars and gain access to its content from your smartphone by opting for the digital version. Reviews suggest there’s something to gain, no matter your skill level.


  • Written by a professional with impressive knowledge
  • Summarises the core principles of BJJ
  • Takes spiritual approaches with a focus on mental technique
  • Writing style offers a personal, direct conversation with the reader


  • May be disappointing for those who dislike spiritualism


Teaching “the life principles, behaviors and tactics of legends, icons, influencers, innovators and world-class Jiu-Jitsu practitioners on and off the grappling mat,” Paul Kindzia’s book is not so much a guide on how to do BJJ, but why.

With more than twenty different stories from some of jiu-jitsu’s most prominent and successful figures, including Joe Rogan, RVCA Founder PM Tenore, Marcelo Garcia, and John Danaher, there is much to learn, from practical to inspirational.

Over nearly a decade, Kindzia has not just observed, but studied and retrieved the principles that BJJ (and other manifestations of jiu-jitsu) masters have used for success since the practice first became popular.

Across more than three hundred pages, you’ll learn how mastering these proven skills will benefit not just your martial arts, but the rest of your life, becoming a high achiever in anything you set your mind to, just by applying the same ethos.

Available as a paperback or digitized Kindle book, it’s one of the most recent publications that serve to guide beginners, so you know you’re receiving the latest and greatest knowledge.


  • Not just one expert voice, but more than twenty
  • Stories of success in martial arts and life in general
  • Teaches techniques, tips and tricks - and how to apply these to your whole life
  • Kindle and physical copies available



Boasting more than a thousand full-color pictures, Alexandre Paiva’s Ultimate Guide to Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu proffers a guide to the most efficient and effective techniques across popular martial arts practice, delivered by a true BJJ legend.

This guide demonstrates the moves that propelled the author to success, making him one of the most fearsome competitors in BJJ globally, resulting in a continued career as one of the most sought after instructors and coaches.

As one of the founders of Alliance Jiu-Jitsu, the only team to win every single major BJJ competition in a single year, currently heading their academy in Rio De Janeiro, Paiva is more than qualified to teach you, from beginner to learned pro.

You can grab it as a paperback or Kindle copy (imagine brushing up on your technique whilst waiting for a train!) and it’s more reasonably priced than some of the other professionally endorsed guides out there.

Devoting sections to gi and no-gi techniques, for useful demonstrations inside and out of the classroom, whether you’re preparing for a tournament or looking to improve your self-defense, this is the book for you.


  • From a true BJJ legend, with decades of experience
  • More than 1,000 clear full-color photographs
  • Learn key techniques, from Takedowns to Back Mounts
  • Demonstrative of techniques in and out of gi


  • Some reviews suggest ‘Jiu-Jitsu University’ might be a better starting point, moving on to this one later


With more than thirty years of practicing, Paulo Guillobel is certainly an expert in BJJ, so his ultimate handbook for students is absolutely worth investing in, no matter where you are in your martial arts journey.

Promising to be a “one of a kind book that goes deep into the foundation of BJJ techniques and strategies,” reading this book should stand you in excellent stead to understand how and why to use a wide variety of different moves.

Having been a black belt for over two decades, Guillobell has successfully competed in BJJ for more than three, winning multiple times, as well as producing many students who later became champions themselves - what do you stand to lose?

As part of your purchase, you’ll also receive access to a set of tutorial videos valued at $60, for absolutely free, offering not just descriptions and still images of technique, but live footage to clearly demonstrate what you’re trying to learn.

Though it’s only a little over a hundred pages, it’s still able to provide a wealth of information and comes highly recommended by fellow customers as an excellent introduction (or refresher lesson) in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


  • Champion, black belt and legendary instructor shares his knowledge
  • Learn not just the moves you want to master, but the philosophy behind them
  • Available in paperback or Kindle editions
  • Includes bonus video tutorials worth $60


  • Shorter than some of the other books on our list 

Best BJJ Books For Beginners Buying Guide

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Why Get Started?

No matter how small or slight you might be, BJJ offers an opportunity to learn self-defense and protect yourself from assailants, even those who are larger and stronger than you. To that end, it can also offer an almighty confidence boost!

Should you be looking to improve your overall fitness levels, not only in muscular strength or toning up, but for weight loss or building up your cardiovascular system, BJJ is an excellent full-body workout.

Not only is it a gateway to a fitter and healthier lifestyle, but many who study BJJ find that they also experience a much greater understanding of their mind and body in general, as the sport assists in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of both.

Likewise, it can also serve as an excellent way to relieve stress and tension, without resorting to negative or self-destructive habits like drinking, smoking and other unhealthy choices you may previously have relied on.

For the more competitively inclined amongst us, the chance to work alongside and fight against others in contests, tournaments and events is another reason BJJ proves popular, especially as their weight and age classes make for a fair fight.

Features Of A Good Guide:

  • Looking for a book that’s been written by someone who’s got experience in BJJ is a good start, but aiming for an expert opinion or an author with some competitive success will also serve you well.
  • Full color or otherwise clear images, demonstrating the techniques that are being verbally described, are always very helpful and can make understanding what you’re supposed to do a lot easier.
  • Often, hearing the experiences and stories of other students and practitioners, as well as getting their advice and tips, can be just as beneficial as an instructional guide - look for a book that blends the two.
  • A book that’s been clearly split into definitive sections is always best, as this means you can quickly scan to read the parts that are most helpful to you at the time, skipping out the information you already know

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best age to start BJJ?

To be honest, there isn’t an ideal age at which BJJ is easier or more difficult to learn - as with most sports and fitness activities, you can pretty much pick it up and succeed at any age, old or young.

However, that isn’t to say that beginning your journey as an adolescent won’t stand you in good stead and serve to improve your confidence as you progress over time! The earlier you begin any hobby, the best chance you have at getting better at it.

What should I bring to my first BJJ lesson?

Besides your gi - unless you’re waiting for your chosen training group to provide that for you - you’re going to want to bring the stuff you’d normally take for working out at the gym, or anywhere really!

That means a bottle of water for staying hydrated, a towel for when you inevitably get all sweaty, a change of clothes for afterward, and perhaps a (healthy) snack to enjoy and give you some extra energy following a break.

How often should a beginner train in BJJ?

As with any sport or exercise you want to become proficient in, if you have the time to work out several times, aiming for three or five sessions a week of practice (whether that’s a class, or by yourself) is your easiest path to success.

Of course, if you can only train once or twice a week because of work or school (or other responsibilities and commitments) that’s still fine, making the effort to train as much as you can without burning out or becoming overwhelmed is the best way.

BJJ Addict

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